How to clear stress!

This article going to show you how to instantlycalm yourself down and relieve stress, anxiety and release tension.  and bring yourself into a state of focusand calm piece of

mind.  this is called alternate nostril breathingit's an old ayurvedic technique to relieve stress, balance hormones, calm the mind  it real does relieve stress almost instantlyit's really easy.  take a nice big,deep breathexhale out completelythen cover one of your nostrilstake an inhale through the other nostril cover the other sideexhale out that other sideinhaleinhale completelycover the other side, exhale inhale completelyagain, cover the other side, exhaleinhale relieve stressand exhaleagain repeat to instantly relieve stress. so you want to inhale through one sideswitch nostrils, exhale, inhale through that nostrilswitch sides, exhalerepeat to relieve stress, and it teaches you to expand your lungs how to take a full,complete andrelaxed breathand it teaches you how to fully release the breathfrom the lungs, and let go completely with each inhale you are expandingyour ribs, with each exhale you are releasing all the air from your lungsand you're concentrating on your breathingin a way you normally don't do.  or focusing on your breath.  it takes your mind away from what's going on in front of youfrom work, from any stress you are feeling at the time.  it allows you to centerbecome grounded and relaxed and to instantly shift your mindset and your bodyso you are much more relaxed and at peace and focused.  give it a try! leave me a commentand let me know how it worked for you.

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